Today we are asked to take on our responsibility as creative, interconnected stewards of the Earth. Change is happening in volatile ways at an unprecedented pace. Our world is in the midst of multiple mass extinctions and the current broken socio-economic systems are unravelling.
A new world is emerging, at first in outlandish, visionary islands, but it´s visibility and tangibility is increasing everyday. CM Space strives to bridge these inspiring islands with where we are right now. This is why we work with business and community to unlock their regenerative potential in partnership with living systems.
CM Space facilitates creative, inclusive and sustainable change. We help businesses and communities navigate complexity by increasing your capacity to think systemically and to sense, anticipate and respond to your future needs. We support you to develop practices and processes which consciously regenerate the ecosystems we all depend on and build resilience in the social systems we are part of.
Let us guide you in creating the change you want and taking the transformative actions needed in your business or community to realise your role in co-creating a regenerative future.
Are you up for it?
Let us know!
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Our Values

We are committed to authenticity and transparent decision-making. We chase big dreams and trust our ability to make them real.

We listen deeply. We see and value diverse perspectives as the basis for inclusion. We respect where people come from and meet them where they are now.

We promise to be good descendants and good ancestors by finding new ways of living and working that protect and regenerate the living systems we are part of.
Meet Ciara
Ciara founded CM Space to unlock the regenerative potential of businesses and communities in partnership with living systems.
Ciara completed a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Management and Innovation & Entrepreneurship and a Diploma in Languages, German, at the University of Auckland. Combining her academic background with her qualification in Regenerative Development from The Regenesis Institute, Ciara´s purpose is to facilitate the evolution of businesses and communities to serve their future needs in partnership with the living systems they are part of.
With one foot planted firmly in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the other in Éire (Ireland), Ciara has been instilled with strong environmental ethics and holds a deep reverence for customs, traditions, and ceremony. She is passionate about creating lasting systemic change, and believes that for change to be sustained it must be embodied. Change is best embodied through culture, which is why Ciara draws on storytelling, restorative circles, movement, somatics and creative practice in her work.
As a highly empathetic person, Ciara has a unique ability to form trusting, impactful relationships with people from all walks of life. Her facilitation allows people to sense what change is needed to improve the vitality of their business or community and the living system they are nested in.
Her experience in sustainability consulting, project management, organisational development and change, marketing, finance and raising capital mean that she is determined to deliver results and has worked to meet seemingly impossible deadlines time and time again.
In 2023 Ciara returned to Éire (Ireland) to learn more about her own ancestral connections and be part of regenerating land and story in Éirinn.